17 de diciembre de 2008
Ya está
9 de diciembre de 2008
Encuentro cercano del zorro tipo

Me bajé en mi calle 5 minutos más tarde y a 10 metros de mi puerta escucho ruidos, pero no había nadie. O si. Un zorro hurgando en la basura. Ojo lo miré y sonreí, me parecen divinos y no es la primera vez que me cruzo con uno de ellos. Además no les gusta la gente y siempre se alejan. Pero entre la niebla y el hecho de que se me quedó mirando, me dio miedito...
Además esa noche era recycling night, so, no food! Y yo chocha con mi bolsita de McD. Bueno, lo miro y me mira. Yo me hago la boluda y sigo caminando, pero me doy vuelta para chequearlo, just in case. Para qué! Me empezó a correr el put*. Cómo te explico que salí cag*ndo, ni loca le daba mi comida al zorro pedorro (rima y todo vieron?). Menos mal que no me alcanzo porque bien ágil era el guachito. Jaja pero yo soy más. Debo confesar que me temblaba la mano y no le embocaba a la cerradura de los nervios, encima miré hacia atrás, lo peor que uno puede hacer en estas situaciones.
Me "encanta" porque entonces ahora además de estar alerta ante chorros y violadores, habrá que estar alerta ante zorros hambrientos a medianoche, lo que faltaba. ¿No les digo? Londres es una ciuad fascinante!
Los llamados "zorros urbanos" como su nombre lo indica, viven en plena ciudad, aunque la mayoría de ellos en los suburbios, donde los jardines son mas grandes y abundantes. Es que hay tantos zorros en Londres que algunos andan merodeando en medio del cemento en vez del verde, pobrecitos! Y por lo general salen en busca de comida a la noche, bien tarde.
26 de noviembre de 2008
21 de noviembre de 2008
Que ca*ada no tener lavarropas...
5 de noviembre de 2008
Varias cosas que quiero comentar
22 de octubre de 2008
15 de octubre de 2008
Como mudarse en bondi y no morir en el intento
1 de octubre de 2008
Home sweet home !!!
28 de septiembre de 2008
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces
16 de septiembre de 2008
Hay alguien que te quiere y que te USA...
7 de septiembre de 2008
4 de septiembre de 2008
Los ingleses también meten la pata (y la pierna).
An investigation has been launched after a police firearms specialist left a loaded gun in a Starbucks cafe in central London.
The officer, who has reportedly provided personal protection for the former prime minister Tony Blair, left the pistol in the toilets after she visited the coffee shop last week. The gun was found by a member of the public.
"The weapon belongs to an MPS [Metropolitan Police Service]-authorised firearms officer who was on duty at the time. An investigation has begun,'' the Metropolitan police said.
The majority of British officers do not carry guns, aside from specialist officers whose duties include guarding dignitaries or responding to armed incidents
According to a report in today's Sun, the officer was a woman in her 30s whose job was to protect the former prime minister.
She had left the semi-automatic Glock 17 gun in the toilets of the cafe after taking off her belt. She later bought a coffee, not realising she had left the weapon behind. Reports this morning suggested it was left on the floor of the cafe's toilets for 20 minutes.
An investigation is being carried out by Scotland Yard's directorate of professional standards. It is understood the officer has been relieved of her duties while the investigation is under way.
Five years after cremation, 'dead father' is reunited with family
Five years after John Renehan thought he had cremated his father, father and son are back together in a case of memory loss, mistaken identity and serendipity.
Renehan's father, John Delaney, went missing in 2000. Three years later, a badly decomposed body found in the bushes at Manchester Royal Infirmary - wearing similar clothes and with similar old wounds – was identified by police as Delaney.
A coroner confirmed the identification and Renehan had a cremation for the person he thought was his father.
In April, Renehan, who was doing night shifts for the first time in his life, happened to be watching a daytime television programme about missing persons. To his astonishment, Renahan recognised his father.
The 42-year-old father-of-two told the Manchester Evening News: "I had just finished my night-shift and was getting ready to go to sleep when I turned on the TV. As I was turning away I got a glimpse of who I thought was my father. For the rest of the day I could not get to sleep. I was in shock. We thought we had cremated my dad. But I knew it was him."
It turns out that, Delaney, 71, has been in a care home for the past eight years after being found wandering dazed and confused in Oldham. He apparently suffered memory loss and was unable to hold a proper conversation after receiving a blow to the head 10 days earlier.
Unable to identify him, the authorities gave Delaney the name David Harrison and placed in a home. His family filed a missing person report at the time of his disappearance and police issued a public appeal with his photograph but no information was received.
Oldham Social Services, which was caring for Delaney, was unable to put out an appeal for information until a law change this year meant they did not require his consent, paving the way for the TV appeal.
Delaney and Renehan were reunited two weeks ago after DNA tests confirmed they were indeed father and son. Renehan - who took his mother's maiden name after his parents split up - is now spending part of every day with his father - and claims the elderly man's memory is beginning to improve.
Renehan is angry that no DNA checks were run by police on the body found in 2003 and he says he still has sleepless nights thinking of the family of the man he had cremated. He is demanding an apology for his trauma over the past five years.
Nigel Meadows, a coroner, is set to apply to the high court to quash the inquest which confirmed the dead man as Delaney and recorded an open verdict. It is understood Meadows, who was not in the post in 2003, accepts that DNA evidence was not commonly used to identify decomposed bodies at the time.
The decomposed body found in 2003 years ago was mistakenly identified as Delaney - who was homeless before he went missing – as both men were wearing similar jeans and tops, and both had historic head and rib wounds.
Manchester police, who put out a missing person alert when Delaney disappeared, has admitted that "mistakes were made".
Peter Fahy, the chief constable of Greater Manchester police, expressed his "great sympathy" for Renehan and his family.
He said: "This is an awful situation for the man to find his father is still alive and he's had no contact with him. I have the greatest sympathy with the family. I think the public will appreciate this is a difficult situation where you have a very badly decomposed body. We will need to review what happened here with the coroner."
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk on Thursday September 04 2008.
30 de agosto de 2008
28 de agosto de 2008
Otra vez España
Fritos y caña de La Conveniente
Y buena música para la playa :)
El centro de Santander, cerca de la playa
11 de agosto de 2008
De honorarios y ladrones
10 de agosto de 2008
Para reirse un rato
7 de agosto de 2008
4 de agosto de 2008
De sitios para mostrarse, si los hay !
3 de agosto de 2008
31 de julio de 2008
Y también...
26 de julio de 2008
5 de julio de 2008
Toy perdida toy
Solamente decir que estoy en mi casa tomandome una cervecita y comiendo mani. Y estoy chocha. Me voy a cocinar ravioles con salsa bolognesa y voy a ver una peli que me llegó por Love Film y la re quería ver, ya que leí el libro y me encató: The Kite Runner.
Hoy estuve dando vueltas por Hammersmith porque le quería comprar un regalito a mi amiga que cumple años dentro de poco y oh que cosa, me terminé comprando algo yo, en T-KMax (o como se escriba). Unas sandalias arrmosas de Ecco por 16 libras, nada mal. Y además re cómodas y lindas.
El finde pasado estuve en Birmingham, que está el norte a unas 2 o 3 horas. Mi amiga Jean me llevo en auto, ella vive apenas a las afueras de Londres asi que me tomé el tren a su casa y desde ahí partimos. Como yo no manejo me dio cosa y le dije que le colaboraba con la nafta.
Cuestión que llegamos a Brum y resulta que mi hotel quedaba en la otra punta asi que me terminé quedando en lo de Leslie con Jean. La juntada en Brum fue por el cumple de una de las chicas de mi grupete sajón. Fue gente desde todos los puntos del Reino Unido, hasta una chica vino desde España ! Fue un éxito. Además tocó una banda amiga, Face Value, que son muy copados. Conocí mucha gente nueva y volví a ver a viejos amigos, estoy contenta de haber ido. Me encanta porque mucha gente se animó y dejó a sus familias e hijos para venir. Me encanta que se permitan ese espacio. Lo pasamos bomba ! Ahi les dejo un videíto. Primero fuimos a comer a un indio y luego al boliche.
26 de junio de 2008
25 de junio de 2008
By Sky News SkyNews - Wednesday, June 25 08:55 am
Workers may be allowed to sleep on the job today as part of a campaign to import Spanish siestas to offices in the UK
Company bosses are being encouraged to let their staff have a nap in their lunch break as part of National Siesta Day.
They say siestas help to keep staff healthy and happy - and boost productivity.
A spokesperson for Siesta Awareness UK said: "The main purpose of the event is to help make a short post-lunch nap acceptable in UK culture.
"The short nap is an effective tool in helping us to be more healthy, alert and productive in the afternoon.
"Potentially it can help reduce the risk of illness and accidents, relieving some pressure on the NHS".
The event is now in its third year.
17 de junio de 2008
Tengo un amiguito nuevo (que lindo)
Resulta que a los dos días me contacta uno de los chicos para que lo agregue en los contactos del msn asi que obviamente accedí. Cuando lo vi online lo saludé. Y pensé, me dira nice to meet you the other day y charlaremos un ratito y ya está. Y él pensó lo mismo. Pero no, por esas cosas misteriosas pegamos una onda bárbara y nos colgamos hablando durante horas. Al día siguiente tbién hablamos por horas y hace ya casi 4 semanas que no pasa un día sin hablarnos, a veces un ratito pero mayormente por horas. Hablamos de todo y de nada. Compartimos casi todo. Y las horas pasan volando. Hace mucho que no me pasaba eso con alguien. La primer semana era el msn, la segunda se agregó el yahoo, la tercera la web cam y se nos viene el skype. Parecemos novios. Pero no, por diversas circunstancias eso no puede ser. Y me la banco. Sabia muy bien donde me estaba metiendo y me dejé llevar. Nos dejamos llevar y nos enganchamos mal. Genial, no me podria haber pasado esto con alguien más "conveniente"? Si, me hago cargo. Yo y mis pasiones. Mis pasiones y yo.