28 de marzo de 2006

Y me cagaron nomás...

...en septiembre completo los 4 años asi que ya iba a aplicar para la residencia, pero ahora voy a tener que esperar hasta el año que viene gracias al cambio de la legislación que se acaba de publicar, no comments...
Requirements for leave to enter as an overseas government employee
160. For the purposes of these Rules an overseas government employee means a person coming for employment by an overseas government or employed by the United Nations Organisation or other international organisation of which the United Kingdom is a member
161. The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as an overseas government employee are that he: (i) is able to produce either a valid United Kingdom entry clearance for entry in this capacity or satisfactory documentary evidence of his status as an overseas government employee; and (ii) intends to work full time for the government or organisation concerned; and (iii) does not intend to take employment except within the terms of this paragraph; and (iv) can maintain and accommodate himself and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds. Leave to enter as an overseas government employee
162. A person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as an overseas government employee may be given leave to enter for a period not exceeding 2 years, provided he is able, on arrival, to produce to the Immigration Officer a valid United Kingdom entry clearance for entry in this capacity or satisfy the Immigration Officer that each of the requirements of paragraph 161 is met. Refusal of leave to enter as an overseas government employee
163. Leave to enter as an overseas government employee is to be refused if a valid United Kingdom entry clearance for entry in this capacity is not produced to the Immigration Officer on arrival or if the Immigration Officer is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 161 is met. Requirements for an extension of stay as an overseas government employee
164. The requirements to be met by a person seeking an extension of stay as an overseas government employee are that the applicant: (i) was given leave to enter the United Kingdom under paragraph 162 as an overseas government employee; and (ii) is still engaged in the employment in question; and (iii) is still required for the employment in question, as certified by the employer; and (iv) meets the requirements of paragraph 161 (ii)-(iv). Extension of stay as an overseas government employee
165. An extension of stay as an overseas government employee may be granted for a period not exceeding 3 years provided the Secretary of State is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 164 is met. Refusal of extension of stay as an overseas government employee
166. An extension of stay as an overseas government employee is to be refused if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 164 is met. Indefinite leave to remain for an overseas government employee
167. Indefinite leave to remain may be granted, on application, to an overseas government employee provided: (i) he has spent a continuous period of 5 years in the United Kingdom in this capacity; and(ii) he has met the requirements of paragraph 164 throughout the 5 year period; and (iii) he is still required for the employment in question, as certified by his employer. Refusal of indefinite leave to remain for an overseas government employee
168. Indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom for an overseas government employee is to be refused if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 167 is met.
169. For the purposes of these Rules: (i) a minister of religion means a religious functionary whose main regular duties comprise the leading of a congregation in performing the rites and rituals of the faith and in preaching the essentials of the creed; (ii) a missionary means a person who is directly engaged in spreading a religious doctrine and whose work is not in essence administrative or clerical; (iii) a member of a religious order means a person who is coming to live in a community run by that order.
Y por otro lado....
Masivo paro de estatales en Gran Bretaña
Cerca de un millón y medio de empleados le exigieron al gobierno de Tony Blair que modifique el nuevo sistema de pensiones.
Los trabajadores estatales de Gran Bretaña iniciaron hoy una huelga de 24 horas exigiendo que el gobierno de Tony Blair modifique el nuevo sistema de pensiones, debido a que, en opinión de los gremios, genera desigualdades. La medida se siente con fuerza en escuelas, bibliotecas, centros comunitarios, deportivos, sanitarios y hogares de niños y ancianos, como también los tribunales, cuerpos de bomberos y dependencias estatales, informó la cadena británica de noticias BBC. También se realizaron manifestaciones y marchas de protesta en Glasgow y Edimburgo, en Escocia, y en varias ciudades de Inglaterra y Gales. Los principales sindicatos del gremio -TyG, GMB y Amicus-, que nuclean a cerca de 1,5 millones de trabajadores, anunciaron además que tienen prevista realización de una huelga nacional en mayo si el gobierno no acepta iniciar una negociación. Los trabajadores protestan contra los planes del gobierno sobre pensiones, que permiten a algunos empleados jubilarse a los 60 años y a otros a los 65. Los sindicatos afirmaron que todos los estatales deberían disfrutar del mismo plan, incluida la Policía, los empleados del Sistema Nacional de Salud (NHS) y maestros, quienes recién pueden jubilarse a los 65 años.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Habra lugar para mi blog en los links?



Mind the gap dijo...

Si, por supuesto ! Ya te agrego :)