10 de agosto de 2008

Para reirse un rato

Resulta que un lector que no entiende español puso el texto del post anterior en un traductor online, creo que el de Google, y le causó tanta gracia que me lo mandó por email. No tiene desperdicio !
"I am without a handle and now that I am in my Laburo least laburo official, I spent a mandar CVs and endorsements pages of translators, but nothing at all. Equal in the most important was already scored from a few months ago, and some even years! The thing is fucking! Certainly there is big competition and we must go out and sold. Next week come personally doors in some agencies, hopefully succeed. They say those with experience in this profession, that is the best way for you to consider: that you personally and you see his face. Of course, and one has to take the smile pasted with poxipol. I recognize that I should have put more batteries before! If I already have all the elements I need. I made a groundhog, will age? . Meanwhile, I "rained" 35 pounds. No, I found the guita behind a tree, I sold the laptop that I found in the trash! . London gives for everything ..."
¿Ven que los trductores humanos son necesarios? Pero que cosa che ! ;)

2 comentarios:

Andre dijo...

Me hizo acordar a esa frase de "tome asiento" y que aparecía como "take a chair" jeje

Bere dijo...

I made a groundhog, will age? jajaja, buenisimo!!!